Council Meetings
Dublin City Council holds a number of public meetings in its role as a forum for City Representatives.
These meetings are convened in City Hall and other Civic Offices around the city. Members of the public can attend Council meetings by contacting their local Councillor.
You can access webcasts of our live council meetings or view archived council meetings. Further detailed information on City Council meetings, agenda and reports is available.
City Council
The Monthly Council Meeting provides a general forum where your elected Councillors discuss issues relevant to the well-being of the city. The monthly meeting takes place in City Hall at 6.15pm on the first Monday of every month. In the event of a public holiday, the meeting takes place on the second Monday of the month. There is no monthly meeting in August.
Area Committees
Dublin City Council is divided into 5 Local Administrative Areas which are used to coordinate the delivery of services into local communities. Local Area Committee Meetings are convened once a month and take place in City Hall and other Civic Centres around the City. Each Area Committee deals with operational matters such as road sweeping & maintenance, traffic related issues, cleansing, litter, playgrounds, grass cutting, street tree maintenance. They also operate on a strategic level dealing with matters pertaining to the Local Area such as taking-in-charge, building control, enforcement, new works, disposals, property, parks & heritage, planning & local area plans etc.
Strategic Policy Committees
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are Local Authority Committees whose membership includes Elected Councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members.
It is the task of the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), as committees of the council, to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. They have no remit in relation to routine operational matters regarding the delivery of services. The SPC system is intended to give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.
The chairperson of an SPC is appointed by the local authority while the sectoral interests are nominated by their organisation/group.
Dublin City Council considered a Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2019-2024 at its meetings on the 1st July, the 2nd September, the 4th November 2019 and the 2nd December 2019, appointed Chairpersons and Councillors to each SPC, agreed the numbers on each and approved a recruitment process for sectoral representation. The councillor members of each SPC, together with the Chair Designate, then selected sectoral organizations/groups from among the applications received and allotted places to the Pillars as per regulations.
At the Monthly City Council meeting held on the 2nd September 2019, Dublin City Council approved the Dublin City Strategic Policy Scheme 2019 – 2024. At the Monthly City Council meeting held on the 6th January 2020 a revised scheme was agreed.
Chairpersons of SPCs:
The following Councillors have been appointed Chairpersons of the 7 SPCs:
- Séamas McGrattan – Finance SPC
- Noeleen Reilly – Traffic & Transport SPC
- Ray McAdam – Planning & Urban Form SPC
- Tom Brabazon – Economic Development & Enterprise SPC
- Cat O’Driscoll – Arts, Culture, Leisure & Recreation
- Alison Gilliland – Housing SPC
- Claire Byrne – Climate Action, Environment & Energy SPC
The Corporate Policy Group
The Corporate Policy Group (CPG) consists of the Lord Mayor of the council and the chairpersons of each Strategic Policy Committee. The CPG co-ordinates and links the work of the various SPCs and acts as a forum where policy decisions affecting the entire council can be agreed for recommendation to the full council. The CPG acts as a mini-cabinet for council business and is supported by the Chief Executive. It has an active role in the preparation of the council’s draft budget and must also be consulted in the preparation of the corporate plan.