1.4 Consultation
The preparation of this plan included pre-draft consultation with communities throughout the city, infrastructure providers, sectoral groups, statutory agencies and adjoining local authorities. The pre-draft public consultation extended over a ten week period with the launch of an issues paper. The consultation strategy included a number of public information events to encourage as much public engagement as possible. A total of 303 written submissions, together with the opinions and comments arising from the public consultation meetings, and other meetings held, were taken into account when formulating the draft development plan.
The number of submissions and contributions reflects a high level of interest in the future of the city. Dublin City Council hopes that this level of active involvement will continue throughout the entire plan making process and will follow through to implementation of the final plan.
In considering the views expressed by the public at the pre-draft stage, the elected representatives proposed a total of 394 motions giving the chief executive direction as to what strategic and policy issues to include in the draft development plan. Following consideration of the draft development plan prepared by the chief executive, the elected members proposed 100 motions for amendments to the draft plan. All changes agreed by the City Council were incorporated into the draft plan.
The adoption of the plan is a reserved function of the elected members under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
The draft plan was on public display from 1 October 2015 to 11 December 2015. 1,484 submissions were received and the elected members proposed 392 motions. All changes agreed by the City Council were made and an amended draft plan was put on public display from
21 June 2016 to 19 July 2016. A further supplemental report with omitted proposed amendments was placed on public display from 6 July to 4 August 2016. A further 455 submissions were received and elected members proposed 100 motions.
Following consideration of the amended draft plan, the development plan was agreed at a meeting of 23 September 2016.