1.6 Form and Content of this Development Plan
The city development plan 2016 – 2022, as approved by the City Council, replaces the 2011-2017 city development plan. The city development plan comprises a number of inter-related documents/volumes which must be interpreted as a whole. These are:
- The written statement, which sets out the core strategy and the aims of the Council for the proper planning and sustainable development of the city.
- The appendices, contained in a separate volume which include the housing strategy, the retail strategy, together with a number of other appendices.
- The record of protected structures is contained in a further volume.
- The zoning maps and other strategic maps give a graphic representation of the proposals in the plan, indicating land use and other objectives of the Council. They do not purport to be accurate survey maps from which site dimensions or other survey data can be measured.
- The Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, the Appropriate Assessment Report under the EU Habitat Directive, and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment are contained in further separate volumes.
Should any conflict arise between the written statement and the maps or diagrams, the written statement shall take precedence.