Index - C
Camac river, 140, 150, 276, 294
Camden Street, 30
canal amenities, 171, 247-8
Candidate Special Areas of Conservation, 230
Capel Street, 99, 104, 105, 128, 282
car clubs, 122
care facilities, development standards, 346
car parking, see parking facilities
car park licensing, 359
car parks, development standards, 360-364
catchment flood risk assessment and management (CFRAM), 46, 140, 150, 172
change of use of protected structures, 186
Cherry Orchard, 25, 30, 54, 59, 113, 249, 262-4, 320
childcare facilities, 221
children’s hospital, see National Paediatric Hospital
children’s play facilities, 163, 175, 177, 221
development standards, 344-5
Christchurch, 57, 58, 182
City centre transport study, 118, 123
city economy and enterprise, 87-100
policies and objectives on, 92-100
City Heritage Plan, 180, 181, 198, 199-201
City markets, 96, 105
City Markets Project, 114
City of Dublin Energy Management Agency (Codema), 32, 41, 42, 44
City Performance Indicators, 31, 228
City Walls, 198, 200
City Walls Conservation Plan 2005, 199
climate change, 32, 39-49, 143, 144, 145, 149, 152, 307
flood risk and, 46
integrating into the development plan, 47
policies and objectives on, 42-9
see also environmental strategies
Clongriffin, see North Fringe
Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, 133, 320
coastline amenities, 171
Codema, see City of Dublin Energy Management Agency
College Green, 57, 58, 67, 123, 132, 182
Collins Barracks, 94, 182
commercial space, 93-4, 96
community development, phased infrastructure, 35, 76
community facilities
development standards, 344
supporting infrastructure, 217-8
community gardens, 163, 165, 170, 330
complex planning proposals, 231
compliance with planning permission, 229
conservation, 35
see also, Architectural Conservation Areas; Candidate Special Areas of Conservation; City Walls Conservation Plan; Conservation Areas; protected structures; pub-fronts; shopfronts
Conservation Areas, 188-92
policy on, 190-2
consolidation of Dublin, 20-1, 61-62
consultation process, 14
engagement with stakeholders, 14, 31, 226-7
online dialogue and debate, 227
contaminated land, development standards, 356
context for the development plan, 10-13
Control of major accident hazards directive, 157
Convention Centre Dublin, 94, 201, 269
core strategy, 19-36
corner shops, 107
corner sites, 335-6
Croke Park, 94, 290
Croke Villas, 25, 83, 249, 290
cultural development of city, 35, 201–8
cultural hubs and quarters, 205-7
cultural vision for Dublin, 203
culture in public domain, 207-8
economy and culture, 207
protecting cultural assets, 204
see also Architectural Conservation Area (ACA)
Cultural Strategy 2015-2021, 202, 204, 205
Customs House, 67
cycling, 120, 121, 122, 125-7,
cycle parking, 328, 364, 366
see also Dublin Cycle Network; Dublin Cycling Strategy, dublinbikes