Index - R
Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), 196, 197
Record of Protected Structures, 35, 180 181, 182, 184, 192
recreation facilities, 161-77, 246-7, 315
see also children’s play facilities
regeneration areas, 83, 95, 221-2
Strategic Development and Regeneration areas (SDRAs), 29, 36, 236, 249, 255-30
Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area 2010- 2022 (RPGs), 13, 19-21, 22, 23, 62, 77, 122, 172, 315
renewable energy, 43-6
residential accommodation, development standards, 322-42
retail, development standards, 349-51
retail parks, 109
retail strategies, 28, 33-4, 103-114
competitiveness, 114
convenience shopping, 113
cruise shipping and, 113
district centres, 107
e-commerce, 114
economic downturn, 104
extending retail from city centre, 113
neighbourhood centres, 107, 239-40
planning guidelines, 106
policies and objectives on, 108-14
primacy of city centre and retail core area, 109-12
public transport, 28-9, see also transport strategies
public transport infrastructure, 104, 108
Retail Design Manual 2012, 106-7
retail hierarchy, 107
Retail Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2008-2016 (RGSDA), 107
retail warehousing, 109
signage, 112, 349-50
wider city, retailing in, 113
river amenities, 171-2, 247-8
River Basin Management Plan, 140, 144, 145, 148, 149
rivers, canals and the coastline, 171-2
roads standards
development standards, 321-2
car parking, 358
industry, warehousing and business park developments, 347
road capacity improvements, 132-3
Rosie Hackett bridge, 66-7, 104, 119
Royal Canal, 128, 170, 260, 271
Royal Hospital (Kilmainham), 207, 276, 278