Terenure Library French Film Club
Times & Dates
In partnership with the French Embassy in Ireland, Terenure Library hosts the French Film Club on the second Wednesday of every month, featuring a screening of a French-language film with English subtitles. February's film screening will take place on Wednesday 12th February at 6pm.
This month's film is Le Dernier des Juifs (A Nice Jewish Boy), directed by Noé Debré.
Bellisha is a good Jewish boy. He is a curly-haired, weakling and nonchalant 27-year-old struggling to become a grown-up. He still lives with his mother, Giselle, in a poor neighbourhood. After the last synagogue closes, it’s time for the last kosher grocery store to shut down. This is it, they are the last Jewish family in the area. But much to Giselle’s dismay, Bellisha doesn’t particularly want to leave. He is comfortable there and remains positive, despite tensions arising in the community and his mother’s health quickly deteriorating.
Running time: 90 mins
Presented with support from the Institut Français.
Admission free, no booking required.