Transportation Déanann an Rannóg Iompair gréasán bóithre na cathrach a fhorbairt, a chothabháil agus a bhainistiú ar mhaithe le coisithe, rothaithe, tiománaithe agus feithiclí seirbhíse poiblí agus tráchtála. Business Road Maintenance Services Apply for a case, rack or shelf licence in Dublin. Dublin City Council Public E-Scooter Sharing Scheme(s) Prior Information Notice (PIN) with the purpose of inviting Technical Dialogue on proposed Dublin City Council Public E-Scooter Sharing Scheme(s) published Roadworks Control Unit Roadworks licence information complaints Dublin City Street Lights Information on Public Street Lighting in Dublin city. Faulty Traffic Signals/Lights Information on how to report traffic signal faults. Apply for a licence or permit Abnormal load permit Apply for a Hoarding Scaffold permit Position a mobile crane, hoist, vehicle, equipment permit Temporary road closure permit Put a skip on your road