Páirc Le Fanu
Skate/BMX and Playpark
The site in Le Fanu Park was chosen by Dublin City Council in response to the growing need and desire for a free play and skate park in the Ballyfermot area. The site is adjacent to a campus of youth and leisure facilities (Leisure Centre and FamiliBase) which opened in 2008 and the Play Park initiative is seen as a further extension to these resources.
The project is born out of a shared mission between the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) The Matheson Foundation and Dublin City Council to develop a world class play and skate space for young people in Ballyfermot.
The proposed works are for the provision of a new skateboard bowl consisting of a concrete skate plaza, skate bowls and skate transition area. The project includes fencing, grass mounding, pedestrian paths and bicycle stands with provision of CCTV and public lighting, in addition to play areas. The works allow for excavation, earthworks, drainage and extensive planting.