Project Background
A shared vision
Imagine the future of the Santry River as an attractive river landscape or River Park flowing through North Dublin as an integrated green blue landscape for ecology and amenity. A wide variety of existing and future activities from sport to cultural and recreational possibilities can be found there. The landscape of the Santry River is to become the backbone of a new green infrastructure project to facilitate nature, pedestrians, and cyclists and form a route from the biosphere of Dublin Bay at St Anne’s Park to Dublin’s wider hinterlands at Sillogue.
Co creation
Essential to the development and success of this vision is the input and insights of you, the local community and stakeholders within the Santry River area. The project team will be reaching out in early Autumn to get your thoughts and to keep you informed of upcoming activities. We look forward to engaging with you for site visits and receiving your ideas via this portal. More information to follow.
Dublin City Council (DCC) through agreement with Fingal County Council (FCC) and the National Transport Authority (NTA) has commissioned studies to address the high levels of existing flood risks in Dublin, under the EC Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks 2007, EU Floods, Water Framework, Birds and Habitats Directives, as implemented in Ireland by SI 122 of 2010 EC Regulations 2010 and S2 495/2015.
Based on the above legislation, DCC seeks to implement a river restoration, flood alleviation, greenway and environmental protection project to improve the River Santry in Dublin from its origin in Harristown within Fingal County Council to its point of discharge at James Larkin Road.
The duration of the framework is for a period of four years subject to an annual review and budgetary constraints. The duration of the initial scope of works, as outlined in stages (1) and (2) will be for 36 months.
Following completion of the tender competition, Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd Consulting Engineers were appointed in July 2022 by DCC to complete the first 2 stages of the project summarised below:
- Stage 1 (a) – Re-evaluation of River Restoration, Environmental Protection, Landscaping, Greenway and Flood Risk Management Options
- Stage 1 (b) – Scheme Development and Preliminary Design
- Stage 2 - Planning Permission Submission to An Bord Pleanála
Nicholas O’Dwyer will be supported in this appointment by their partners REDscape Landscape and Urbanism and cbec Eco-Engineering.
Mood Board