Dublin City and Dublin Agglomeration Exposure Statistics
Population Exposure Statistics
The Environmental Noise Directive (END) and the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 to 2021 (The Regulations) requires the Strategic Noise Maps to be used to determine exposure information for a range of parameters as set out below;
- Number of people living in dwellings (in hundreds)
- Number of dwellings (in hundreds)
- Number of schools
- Number of hospitals
- Number of people living in dwellings (in hundreds) with a quiet façade (if known)
- Number of people living in dwellings (in hundreds) with special insulation against noise (if known)
- Areas exposed to noise (in km2).
Exposure statistics have been determined through the modelling process using relevant data sets including OSi PRIME 2 building polygons, information on building type from GeoDirectory and population details obtained from the Central Statistics Office.
It should be noted that exposure statistics have been rounded to the nearest hundred in line with requirements set out in The Regulations.
Separate exposure statistics have been presented for each of the following noise sources where exposure results are available;
- All Road Traffic
- Major Road Traffic
- All Rail Traffic
- Major Rail Traffic
- Industry including ports.
The exposure statistics have been used together with the Strategic Noise Maps to identify noise priority important areas which may require the identification of relevant mitigation measures to help mitigate the harmful effects of these noise sources. Details of these priority important areas together with a range of measures to aid the management of noise at these areas and noise issues in general are set out in the Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2024 – 2028 which has been prepared for Round 4 and is published at the link below;
Exposure assessment results for both the full agglomeration of Dublin and Dublin City administrative areas can be found within the Noise Action Plan but are also included in the attached report which can be downloaded from the link below.
Health Effects Statistics
The Environmental Noise Regulations 2021 requires an assessment to be made of the harmful effects associated with environmental noise for the following;
- Ischaemic heart disease (IHD);
- High annoyance (HA);
- High sleep disturbance (HSD).
The exposure of harmful effects has been assessed independently for each noise source. The method used the dose-effect relationships set out in the Second Schedule of the Environmental Noise Regulations 2021 and which are based on work by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The Environmental Noise Regulations 2021 does not set out the noise thresholds above which the health effects should be calculated. Advice from the EPA suggested that the WHO Guidelines, which sets out noise levels above which adverse health effects may be associated, should be used. The values for road and rail are set out below.
- Railways
- 54 dB L den
- 44 dB Lnight
- Roads
- 53 dB L den
- 45 dB Lnight
The results of the harmful effects assessment for Dublin City and the Agglomeration of Dublin can be found within the Noise Action Plan but are also included in the attached report which can be downloaded from the link below.