Drumcondra Library: Favourite Books
Published on 18th July 2024
Drumcondra Library staff, Ciara and Esme, share some of their favourite books from the collection.
All books are available on our online library catalogue.
Sofa Dog by Leonie Lord
This was a chance find among the picture books of Drumcondra, which has become one of my story time favourites. It’s travelled around with me on crèche visits as well as being a staple at library story times too!
The Complete Novels of James Joyce
Working in a library you get used to answering a lot of the same questions. When we have class visits the kids often ask similar questions (“Do you have any more Dog Man books?” being a constant), so I’m always excited when I get a new question. My favourite was a kid who asked me what the biggest book in the library was. There are several answers, biggest in terms of page count, biggest in terms of physical dimensions. My reckoning is that The Complete Novels of James Joyce is our longest, in terms of page count, lending book. (For those interested, the longest book is an Italian reference dictionary at 2778 pages, and the largest book is the National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World).
Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
Published in 1962, it’s been part of the library collection since 1970 according to the date stamps. In 1987 a librarian noted that the book had been written on, and there are at least two sets of handwriting inside. The spine has noticeably been repaired and its place in the library, opposite my desk, meant that I’ve spent a lot of time looking at it. I’ve always wanted someone to take it out but maybe it’s time for me to just read it myself! There’s a libraries worth of history in this copy, quite apart from the title’s individual merits.
The Dynamics and Themodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow by Ascher H. Sharpo
This was one of the first books I noticed when I worked here back in 2019, and it fills me with a bit of joy whenever I see it. The maths involved are far beyond my capabilities but it’s still getting good use, and was checked out at least twice since I’ve been here. A regular borrower used to consult it a lot in the early 2000s, and it’s nice to know it’s here if he came back for a look.
Drumcondra and its Environs by Louis O’Flaherty
This book encapsulates the history of the area and is so well researched. It’s very useful for anyone studying local history and as it’s no longer in print it’s really precious. I love looking through the old photos and seeing if I recognise the roads and houses today.
Sinead O’Connor – Rememberings
When it was announced Sinead had passed away, her autobiography was suddenly in demand again and I’ll always associate this book with that time. I love the cover for its simplicity and her iconic shaved head. As an often misunderstood artist it’s important to have her own words and perspective on her life.
Collected Works of Padraic H. Pearse
This is the oldest book in the library dating back to 1937 and I’ve no idea how it has survived this long. The library details in the book have become part of its history, inside the cover are the strict library rules, thankfully now forgotten. The old library phone number is only 5 digits long! As one of the first books in the library I hope it always stays here, it has become part of the fabric of the building.