3.5.1 Strategy
Following on from the strategic approach set out above, it is critical that mitigation and adaptation initiatives are implemented and improved over time.
Firstly, the forthcoming ‘Climate Change Strategy for Dublin’ will include measures relating to important areas such as transport, energy, waste management and biodiversity, and will set out specific indicators for each area.
Secondly, the Council will develop and adopt a local climate change action plan as part of the ‘National Climate Change Adaptation Framework – Building Resilience to Climate Change’. Based on the EU approach, the framework requests local authorities to prepare and publish local adaptation plans which will complement mitigation actions and reduce our vulnerability to the negative impacts of climate change.
In Dublin City Council, the climate change action plan will be completed by an inter-disciplinary team by the end of 2018 and will contain adaptation and mitigation measures. Once adopted, it will become part of the development plan, and a variation to the development plan will be made in the event of the strategy requiring any material alteration to the plan.
In relation to energy, there are a number of requirements to be met, including reduced energy consumption, reduced energy wastage/loss, and increased supply from renewable sources.
The Council supports the implementation of the national level ‘Strategy for Renewable Energy 2012-2020’ and the related National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) and National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). At local level, Dublin City Sustainable Energy Action Plan 2010 – 2020 remains active.