5.2 Achievements
The population of Dublin city grew from 506,211 in 2006 to 525,383 in 2011. In Dublin city, some 2,246 housing units were delivered through the Part V mechanism between 2002 and 2013, including 601 voluntary units, and 283 units were delivered as social housing for the local authority.
Dublin City Council is the regional coordinating authority for the Dublin housing supply co-ordination taskforce. The Dublin city taskforce results for quarter 1 of 2015 indicate that there are over 4,600 units with full planning permission, and almost 1,500 units subject to current planning applications.
Despite the recession, some progress has been made in the provision of new housing in the city. As part of the regeneration of St Michael’s Estate, 75 units were delivered as a mix of houses and apartments in a new development called Thornton Heights which has been built to development plan standards, including the use of renewable energy such as solar panels.
Phase 1 of the regeneration of Dolphin House has been approved to provide 100 dwelling units, including new houses, new apartments and public realm improvements. Demolition has commenced to facilitate the implementation of approved plans for the regeneration of St Teresa’s Gardens which will include 50 new units as a mix of houses and apartments and the provision of a new urban park with enhanced permeability.
The ‘Kickstart’ approach, which leverages existing infrastructure and allows for initial development at a lower density, has been adopted in strategic residential development areas and has resulted in the delivery of additional homes and the continued development of new neighbourhoods in Pelletstown and Clongriffin.