9.4 The Strategic Approach
The main strategic issues for the current plan period are identified as:
- Providing necessary infrastructure and the securing of corridors for utility infrastructure to match the compact spatial pattern of development.
- Aligning the settlement and economic elements of the core strategy with Irish Water’s strategy for the development and expansion of water and wastewater infrastructure in line with the investment programme and connections policy which are subject to the approval by the Commission for Energy Regulator (CER).
- Reducing dependency on fossil fuels and improve energy efficiency in new and existing buildings and promote the use of renewable energy in the city’s building stock.
- Minimising waste, with an emphasis on maximum recycling.
- Using flood risk assessment techniques, identification and management of these risks to be put in place through the identification and protection of existing and proposed flood defences and the need for flood-resilient urban and building design and construction.
- Developing greater co-ordination with the other planning authorities and Environmental Protection Agency in the Greater Dublin Region with regard to infrastructural and climate change issues.
- Ensuring the implementation of the recommendations and actions of Irish Water’s ‘Water Services Strategic Plan 2015 – A Plan for the Future of Water Services’ .
- Ensuring the implementation of the measures and actions set out in the River Basin Management Plan and Programme of Measures to achieve the objectives and targets set out therein, and thereby implement the Water Framework Directive.
- Improving the city’s resilience and ability to adapt to climate change.
- Promoting water conservation (leakage and demand management) measures.