25th Annual Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lecture
Published on 11th January 2022
The 25th Annual Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lecture - "Cityful passing away, other cityful coming" Ulysses and the history of Dublin took place on: Wednesday 26 January 2022 at 7pm.
A lecture reading James Joyce in the light of John T. Gilbert's A history of the city of Dublin and looking at how Joyce invents a new kind of urban history in his novel Ulysses. Join Anne Fogarty, Professor of James Joyce Studies at the School of English, Drama and Film in UCD for what promises to be a fascinating lecture in this centenary year of the publication of Ulysses.
Watch the video:
25th Annual Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lecture: Ulysses and the History of Dublin.
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