WEEE and Waste Batteries - Retailers
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Waste Batteries – Information for Retailers
Under the waste regulations
- S.I. No. 149 of 2014 – European Union (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2014.
- S.I. No. 283 of 2014 – European Union (Batteries and Accumulators) Regulations 2014.
certain obligations are placed on Retailers of WEEE and/or Batteries. Retailer duties include the environmentally safe handling of WEEE and Batteries (e.g. in store take back of goods, storage etc.)
Retailers within Dublin City Council’s administrative area have the option to register with either WEEE Ireland or Dublin City Council as follows:
- To register as a retailer with WEEE Ireland:
Retailers may register free of charge online at www.weeeireland.ie or contact WEEE Ireland at The Link Business Centre, Unit G3, Block G, Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Dublin 12. Tel: 2999320 Email: [email protected] Registered retailers should contact WEEE Ireland in relation to disposal of WEEE.
- To register as a retailer with Dublin City Council:
Retailers may register annually for a fee of €200.00 for each premises from which electrical or electronic equipment and/or batteries are placed on the market.
Copies of the above regulations may be found on www.irishstatutebook.ie
Collection and Disposal of Waste Portable Batteries - Information for Workplaces, Educational Establishments and Charities
In accordance with regulation 25(c) of the European Union (Batteries and Accumulators) Regulations 2014 (SI 283 of 2014), Dublin City Council has designated the following premises in its functional area as collection points for waste portable batteries:
- Workplaces
- Educational establishments
- Premises occupied by charities issued with a Charity (CHY) Number
The designation is subject to compliance with the following conditions:
- Suitable receptacles are provided by WEEE Ireland (the approved body under the regulations.
- All waste portable batteries are either deposited at local authority civic amenity facilities or transferred to an authorised waste collector acting on behalf of WEEE Ireland.
Designation of properties does not create or place an obligation on the management of a workplace, educational establishment or premises occupied by charities to create a collection point for the take back of waste batteries.
The management of designated premises that wishes to participate in this scheme should contact WEEE Ireland and request a supply of suitable receptacles for the storage of waste portable batteries (e.g. AAA, AA, Cell C, Cell D, PP3, PP9 etc.)
Contact details for WEEE Ireland:
The Link Business Centre, Unit G3, Block G, Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Dublin 12.
Tel: (01) 299 9320 Web: www.weeeireland.ie Email: [email protected]