Draft Gulistan Masterplan
Dublin City Council’s (DCC) Planning and Property Development Department has prepared a non-statutory Draft Masterplan to address opportunities for urban regeneration of the former depot lands at Gulistan Terrace, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The Draft Masterplan, which comprises an urban design framework, provides a vision and key development principles for integrated, plan-led solution, but does not give planning consent for specific projects. It is intended that these lands will be redeveloped to provide a mix of housing, primary healthcare and civic spaces.
The Masterplan is a non-statutory process which will be used to inform and assess planning applications being made on the site. All the projects identified in the draft Masterplan will be subject to statutory planning consent under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). All projects will be subject to environmental assessment as part of the planning consent process. This includes compliance with the EU Environmental Impact Assessment, Flood Risk, and Habitats Directives”.

The draft masterplan, SEA and AA consideration documents and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment document can be viewed below.
We are interested in getting your views on the proposed masterplan, including:
- What elements of the draft masterplan do you like?
- Do you have any suggestions to improve the draft masterplan?
Submissions or observations in relation to the DRAFT GULISTAN MASTERPLAN are invited from members of the public and other interested parties including children, or groups or associations representing children. Submissions or observations must include the full name and address of the person making the submission or observation and, where relevant, the body or organisation represented. All valid submissions and observations received up to and including 15th October 2021 will be taken into consideration as part of the formulation of the final adopted version of the Masterplan.