Donnybrook Road to Clonskeagh Road Scheme FAQs & Information Leaflets
This scheme intends to provide an active travel link along the Dodder River and into future cycle and public transport schemes. The overall aim is to improve walking and cycling facilities for the local communities, facilitating modal shift towards more sustainable modes for both commuting and leisure.
The Dodder Greenway was identified as a primary route in the NTA Greater Dublin Area (GDA) Cycle Network Plan 2013, and subsequently in the draft GDA Cycle Network Plan within the draft GDA Transport Strategy 2022 – 2042. A Public Consultation on the GDA Transport Strategy 2022 – 2042 was held on the 23rd November 2020 to 22nd January 2021. A key objective in the Dublin City Development Plan is the implementation of the NTA Greater Dublin Area (GDA) Cycle Network.
A non-statutory public consultation process was carried out for the scheme from November 2nd – 8th December 2023. The date for submissions has now passed.
The proposals are available for viewing on the Dublin City Council website. (LINK TO PROPOSALS)
An information event on the project was held on the 9th of November 2023 in Donnybrook Parish Community Centre.
The design may be reviewed based on the feedback received during the Consultation Period.
A Public Consultation Report summarising the consultation results is currently being developed and will be published in due course.
An information event on the project will be held from 4-7pm on the 9th of November in Donnybrook Parish Community Centre, rear of the Sacred Heart Church, Donnybrook, Dublin. This will provide an opportunity for the public to discuss the proposals with Dublin City Council and give their feedback.
It is anticipated that this scheme will be implemented under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act. EIA and AA screening Reports have being completed for each section and a final decision on the proposed planning Route will be made by Dublin City Council Planners.
The project is being funded by the National Transport Authority.
Yes. Traffic impacts along the route and the wider area have been considered as part of the environmental screening exercise. Extensive traffic modelling of how traffic will divert after the scheme is in place has been carried out as part of the Traffic Analysis
In order to maintain the current two way traffic and facilitate the new shared area between the David Lloyd Gym and Smurfit Kappa entrance, the existing eastern kerb line would require realigning and the extension of the existing retaining wall along this section. In addition, approximately ten established trees would be impacted. Heavy civil works on the eastern kerb line will not be required if the one-way system starts at the entrance to Smurfit Kappa. This also aligns with the rapid build scheme objective which aims at utilising cost-effective measures to deliver walking and cycling infrastructure.
- Yes. The following screening assessments have been completed :
- Environmental Impact Assessment Screening
- Appropriate Assessment Screening
Both screening reports concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment report and Appropriate Assessment Report are not required for the scheme
No. All works proposed remain outside of the river and its banks and utilise existing footpaths and road space for the new infrastructure.
The existing Accessible parking bay outside No 10 Beaver Row Cottages will be maintained.
The schemes have been designed with planned or committed projects in mind to ensure there are no conflicts between proposals. Notable adjacent projects include River Dodder Flood Alleviation Scheme and BusConnects Dublin.
As space available along Beaver Row and Beech Hill Road is constrained, a shared space is required where pedestrian priority will be provided. During the detailed design process, careful consideration will be given to the material palette used in order to ensure pedestrians and cyclists use shared areas appropriately. Tactile paving and signage will be provided in accordance with the Cycle Design Manual to communicate the entry and exit of shared spaces. Additionally the Active Travel Programme Office will be running a Behaviour Change Campaign in 2024 to inform people on the appropriate use of shared space.
Existing Trees on the east of Beech Hill Road between Smurfit Kappa and Beech Hill Campus will be maintained. Three trees will be removed on the west side of Beech Hill Road approaching Clonskeagh Road. Two of the trees to be removed were classed in the tree survey as in fair condition and of moderate value, the third tree was classed as in poor condition and is of low value.
As a mitigation measure, it is proposed to plant 6 trees in the nearby area
Traffic that currently uses Beech Hill Road/Beaver Row to travel south bound towards Clonskeagh Road may use Eglington Road, Marlborough Road and Appian Way to access Clonskeagh Road/Ranelagh Road.