Casual/Event Trading and Licences
“Casual Trading” is the selling of goods on the public road or at a place where the public has access as of right and any other place that is a designated casual trading area.
Please call 01 222 2165 to make an appointment prior to visiting the Council Offices for a Casual Trading/Event Trading Licence
Applications and payments for event licences must be received by 5pm,
10 working days prior to an event
Casual Trading
Casual trading in the Dublin City Council area is regulated by Casual Trading Bye-Laws made under the Casual Trading Act 1995 . A casual trading licence is a requirement under the Casual Trading Act to sell goods on the public road. It is an offence under this Act to trade without a valid casual trading licence.
Casual trading is divided into Designated Area Trading and Event Trading.
Designated Area Trading
Certain streets are designated as casual trading areas for the selling of certain types of goods. You can find these areas on these map links.
Download the Designated Area Trading Licence application form.
Event Trading
An event casual trading licence is required by every individual who wishes to sell goods in the vicinity of an event for the day or days the event is taking place.
Download the Casual Event Trading Licence application form.

Oifig um Théarnamh Cathrach, Bainistíocht Ceantair, Seirbhísí Tithíochta agus Pobal, Bloc 4, Urlár 0, Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath, An Ché Adhmaid, Baile Átha Cliath 8.
Licensing & Enforcement Unit, Office of City Recovery, Housing & Community Services, Area Management, Block 4, Floor 0, Dublin City Council, Wood Quay, Dublin 8