12.5.2 Making Sustainable Neighbourhoods
New developments should contribute to the unique identities and sense of place in Dublin’s neighbourhoods. There will be a requirement for all proposals to demonstrate a positive urban design response. Applications for large-scale proposals will need to include an Urban Design Statement.
The DEHLG’s Urban Design Manual: A Best Practice Guide, 2010 sets out a series of non-prescriptive questions which should be considered during the key stages of the design and planning process. Submissions for proposals for the design of buildings, public realm or infrastructure should demonstrate how the layout of the proposals have addressed the principles of the ‘Neighbourhood Section’ of the Urban Design Manual.
The DEHLG’s subsequent ‘Manual for Local Area Plans, 2013’ also refers to the importance of good design in helping to create more sustainable communities by improving quality of life, promoting social inclusion, fostering diversity and generating civic pride.
Equally, the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets, 2013 (DMURS), which deals with the street network, movement and place, permeability and legibility, has a pivotal guidance role in the making and protection of good neighbourhoods, with direct impacts for street vibrancy and social interactions, healthy living, recreation, energy efficiency and climate change.