12.5.6 Social Inclusion and Regeneration
Social inclusion is important in creating sustainable neighbourhoods. The regeneration of areas of the city with poor quality environments and connecting developing areas into the fabric of the city are vital to this objective. The promotion of inclusive neighbourhoods that cater for all age groups, that accord with the principles of universal design and that offer quality of opportunity and good services to all will be a priority.
Culture can also play an important role in regeneration, particularly social regeneration, engaging communities and acting as a catalyst for integration. It can play an important role in restoring, maintaining or improving civic pride, by making a valuable contribution to community vitality and life. In these ways, investment in cultural participation is an investment in neighbourhoods and communities.
Dublin City Council will focus on identifying and meeting the needs of local communities in existing and newly developed areas of the city, as well as regeneration areas.
To ensure a responsive approach to neighbourhood and community development, the City Council will actively engage with the newly established Public Participatory Network (PPN), the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and the Local Economic Development Committee (LEDC). It will also be a priority to facilitate the delivery of the key goals of the forthcoming Local Economic and Community Plan for the city (LECP).