12.5.5 Sustainable Provision and Optimum
Use of Social Infrastructure A key aspect in the sustainable provision of social infrastructure is to ensure optimum use of community facilities in both emerging and existing neighbourhoods throughout the city and also key regeneration areas. This means that the provision of strategic new infrastructure should complement the range of neighbouring facilities already existing in the vicinity.
Facilities also need to be inclusive so that a community can integrate and socialise across different age, socio-economic and ethnic groups. Dublin City Council will pursue a cohesive, integrated and socially inclusive approach to community facilities which will help re-connect people with their neighbourhoods and a wider sense of community. The Council will also encourage the maximum use of existing local assets through shared use and cost to ensure high-quality facilities are available to all. Proposals for large-scale residential and/or mixed-use schemes must demonstrate how the proposal will contribute to the range.
of supporting community infrastructure necessary for a sustainable community, as set out in the standards for development management (see Section 16). Notwithstanding the over-arching policy objective to ensure the provision of social infrastructure in tandem with the delivery of residential development, cognisance will be taken of the need to promote, incentivise and kick-start large residential schemes to alleviate the housing supply crisis.