14.1 Zoning Principles
Zoning Principles
This chapter sets out the general land-use and zoning policies and objectives of the plan. It provides an explanation of the landuse categories and the zoning objectives that apply to them. The zoning policies and objectives have been derived from the core strategy (see Chapter 2).
The overall zoning strategy is based on the following principles:
- The need to ensure that land use zoning spatially facilitates the aims of the core strategy and the desire to develop a compact, clean, green, connected city.
- That land of different zonings is distributed throughout the city such that the anticipated development needs of the economy and society within the lifetime of the plan (and for a reasonable period beyond) can be met. Zoned land must accommodate the expected growth in population and other growth needs of Dublin city within the lifetime of the plan. There is circa 440 hectares of available zoned residential land that is capable of meeting a target of circa 29,500 units for the period 2016 – 2022 as per the core strategy.
- That zoning should be designed to promote particular classes of land-uses in appropriate locations, to reduce the possibility of conflicting land-uses, to protect resources (both natural and man-made) and to give residents, businesses and developers a degree of certainty. In some instances, zonings are used as a tool for shaping the city in a sustainable way and, therefore, may not solely reflect established land-uses.
- That development should be encouraged in established centres, and the re-development of under-utilised and brownfield land in these areas should be promoted, with a view to consolidating and adding vitality to existing centres, and ensuring the efficient use of urban lands.
- That intensification of sustainable development should be permitted adjacent and close to public transport nodes and corridors in order to maximise the use of public transport, to minimise trip generation and distribution and to promote sustainable development.
- Dublin City Council recognises that a mix of uses is often more appropriate in urban areas than the more traditional single-use zoning, and that a mixed-use or three dimensional approach by way of horizontal and vertical differentiation in land-uses results in urban areas of greater vitality. This approach is particularly appropriate in some central locations, in identified mix-use zones, and in areas well served by public transport.
- Consideration of the land-use strategies associated with adopted LAPs and SDZs and their implications for surrounding land uses.
- Dublin City Council recognises that certain public bodies, and also educational and health institutions, provide important services for the city on their sites. The continued provision of these services is desirable for the economic, social and cultural health of the city, and it is the policy of Dublin City Council to co-operate with these bodies and institutions in relation to future planning and development.