14.3 Policy Approach
A number of changes have been made to the land-use zoning objectives and zoned areas contained in the Dublin City Development Plan 2011 – 2017. In summary, the main changes made are as follows:
The concept of key district centres (KDCs) has been retained from the last development plan, and KDCs are clearly marked on Dublin City Development Plan zoning maps. While primarily zoned Z4 (district centres), these also incorporate other Dublin City zonings. Development proposals within these KDCs shall be in accordance with both the relevant zoning objective and also with the guiding principles set out in Section 14.8.4, which should be referred to.
Development principles applying to Z6 (enterprise and employment) lands have been revised, taking account of changes in planning context (Section 14.8.6).
Z8 (Georgian conservation areas) zoning and permissible land-uses contained within have been re-visited on foot of recommendations contained in the document titled ‘The Future of the South Georgian Core’ (2013). This comprehensive study sets out a series of recommendations to revitalise this Georgian area, and most of these relate to changes to allowable landuses.
Z9 (amenity/open space lands/green network) have been reviewed by the Community Recreation and Amenity Department in conjunction with the development of a Draft Dublin City Parks Strategy. The function and performance of these spaces for public use has been examined with due consideration to their future potential role, i.e. serving a larger population and providing a broader range of functions.
Z10 (mixed-use inner suburban/inner city sites), and Z12 (institutional lands for possible re-development zonings) have both been reviewed, resulting in some changes to zoned areas. Furthermore, the wording of the Z10 zoning has been changed to encourage predominantly residential uses in suburban locations, whereas a mix of uses (as previous) is encouraged elsewhere.
Strategic development and regeneration areas (SDRAs) are mainly zoned Z14 (strategic development and regeneration areas) and clearly marked on Dublin City Development Plan maps. These lands remain an important resource for the future and have significant growth potential. Because the context for each of these areas differs (e.g. some areas were the subject of an LAP), a set of guiding framework principles has now been developed for each individual area. These serve to define key planning parameters for the future of the area, thereby giving greater clarity than previously available. These principles are set out in full in Chapter 15.
Z15 (institutional and community) – revised text has been incorporated into this plan on foot of an amendment to the Dublin City Development Plan 2011 – 2017 arising from judicial review. Subject to specified criteria, residential uses are now ‘open for consideration’ in this zoning.
In relation to developing the city’s green infrastructure (G.I.), the co-operation of owners/occupiers of lands zoned Z6, Z9, Z12, Z14 and Z15 is sought towards progressing the GI network (see Chapter 10, Sections 10.5.1– Green Infrastructure and Chapter 16, Section 16.2 – Design, Principles and Standards). This shall include, as part of any re-development of the site, setting back of boundaries and/ or adequate provision for greenways in accordance with routes illustrated and any local area plan content.