14.9 Vacant Land Levy Residential and Regeneration Lands
The Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 sets out two broad categories of vacant land that the levy may apply to:
- Lands zoned primarily for residential purposes
- Lands in need of regeneration
1. The following lands zoned for residential or primarily residential purposes are included for the purposes as set out in the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 in relation to the vacant land levy:
Z1 and Z2 residential zoned lands as they have capacity to provide residential accommodation.
Zone Z8 lands which have the landuse zoning objective ‘To protect the existing architectural and civic design character’ are included, as vacant sites are damaging to the great architectural and civic design character of these areas.
Z10 mixed-use zones are included as they offer great potential for the significant supply of housing and employment space, as set out in the Zoning Objective:
‘To consolidate and facilitate the development of inner city and inner suburban sites for mixed uses.’
Z12 zoned lands (designated in the Plan as having ‘Future Development Potential’) are included as these are lands where (some/all of) the institutional uses are no longer viable and where development for other uses predominately residential is possible/ desirable/appropriate.
Strategic development and regeneration areas (Z14 zones) are included as these are the crucial redevelopment and regeneration areas in the city.
2. The following zoned lands are included as lands with the objective of development and renewal of areas in need of regeneration:
Z3 neighbourhood centre and Z4 district centre zoned lands are included given their critical role for sustainable neighbourhoods and wider communities, and because they are located in highly visible streets.
Z5 or city centre zoned lands are included as there are significant vacant lands in this zone which provide an opportunity for the city, and given the zoning objective ‘To consolidate and facilitate the development of the central area, and to identify, reinforce, strengthen and protect its civic design character and dignity.’
Z6 Employment/enterprise zoned lands are included because the objective is ‘To provide for the creation and protection of enterprise and facilitate opportunities for employment creation.’ The primary objective is to facilitate long-term economic development in the city region. A similar case is relevant for Z7 industrial zoned lands.