2.3 Translating the Core Strategy into Development Plan Policies and Objectives
For the purposes of guiding this plan, both the long-term vision and the core strategy, as set out above, can be translated into three strongly interwoven strands:
1. Compact, Quality, Green, Connected City
2. A Prosperous, Enterprising, Creative City
3. Creating Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Communities
The core strategy will guide development in both policy and spatial terms. Delivered together, these priorities represent an integrated and holistic approach to the delivery of essential infrastructure and services within an over-arching sustainable framework. The core strategy supports the long-term vision for the city and will act as an important stepping-stone towards realising that longer-term vision.
The application of the core strategy in spatial terms across the city is shown on the core strategy map. This strategy is amplified in the following chapters of the development plan.