Approach to the Inner Suburbs and Outer City

Approach to the Inner Suburbs and Outer City

The strategy is to continue to strengthen the hierarchy of suburban centres from the district to the local level, to make these centres capable of providing sustainable city living and good urban place-making and to integrate the three innovation corridors into the fabric of the various centres, where relevant.

1. Key District Centres: As the top tier of urban centres outside the city centre, these will be strong spatial hubs, providing for a comprehensive range of commercial and community services. The uses are set out in Chapter 14 (Land-use Zoning) of the Plan and are listed under zoning objective Z4. While some of KDCs may have an established urban form, these centres should also be capable of achieving a distinctive spatial identity with a highquality physical environment.

2. District Centres: These are usually urban villages. These have a smaller scale than the KDCs but continue to promote an important economic, social and physical focal point for neighbourhoods and communities.

3. Neighbourhood Centres: These support the other higher level centres in the hierarchy, within reasonable walking distance. These small centres are extremely important for local communities for providing day-to-day needs, and are considered appropriate localities for a range of community services Objectives of DCC Policy of DCC