

Cycling is a healthy and environmentally friendly form of transport that can improve the health and wellbeing of citizens. The National Cycle Planning Policy Framework 2009 – 2020 sets out a range of objectives and requires that cycle-friendly principles are incorporated into plans. In addition, the National Transport Authority’s Cycle Network Plan sets out a series of planned routes in detailed maps. Dublin City Council aims to increase mode share associated with cycling to reach a minimum target of 25%. New infrastructure works will concentrate on improving cycle safety, access, parking and developing and improving the Dublin Cycle Network. Strategic routes include those along waterways and the coastline, extending into Fingal, South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. Within the city, the success of the ‘dublinbikes’ scheme has led to its expansion, and the Grand Canal cycleway has provided an attractive off-street environment for cyclists.

(For cycle parking standards, see section 16.39) objective of dcc objective of dcc2