Index - T
taking in charge of residential developments, 80, 333
tall buildings, 64-6
taxi parking, 132, 359
see also parking facilities
telecommunications infrastructure, 157, 158, 355-6
The Irish Writers’ Centre, 201
The Red Stables (St Anne’s Park), 202
Tolka river, 30, 34, 148, 172
flood risk management, 141
Tolka Valley, 162, 163, 260
tourism development, 92, 94-5
Towards Integration – A City Framework, 214, 222
traffic management, 119, 133-4
Transport Assessment, 131, 363-4
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), 122, 123, 125, 126
transport strategies 28-9, 34, 117-136
accessibility, 136
active travel, 122
appropriate assessment of transport infrastructure, 121
car parking, see parking facilities
Electric Transport Programme, 135
environmental and safety impact of traffic, 134
integrated land-use and transportation, 121-2
integrated ticketing, 125
Mobility Management, 128-31
modal change, 122
NTA Transport Strategy for Greater Dublin Area, 118, 120, 122, 134
promoting cycling and walking, 125-8
public transport, 122-5
road and bridge improvements, 132-3
traffic management, 119, 133-4
Transport Assessment, 131, 363-4
Travel Plans (TP), 131
see also active travel; cycling; Dublin Port Tunnel; HGV Management Strategy; pedestrian facilities; Quality Bus Corridors; road capacity improvements; Smarter Travel; Transport 21; Transport Infrastructure Ireland; walking
Transport 21 strategy, 28, 123
traveller accommodation provisions
housing strategies, 83
Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP), 83
Travel Plans (TP), 131
trees, 174-5
in Architectural Conservation Areas, 195
see also landscaping
TURAS (Transitioning Towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability), 213
Trinity College, 66, 94, 182, 268, 317