Index - Z

Zones of Archaeological Interest, 195, 196-7, 198, 342

zoning, 21-3, 36, 233-52

allowing temporary change of use of vacant units, 95, 96, 109, 170, 204, 205

mixed-use approach to zoning, 21, 26, 36, 234-5, 237, 241, 242, 244, 247, 249, 252

non-conforming uses, 237

permissible and non-permissible uses, 236-7

principles and policies, 234-6

protected structures, 237

provision of live/work units, 204, 205, 239, 241

road capacity improvements, 132

transitional zones, 192

vacant land levy and zoning categories, 252

zoning categories of land use, 237-51

Z1 lands, sustainable residential neighbourhoods, 238

Z2 lands, residential neighbourhoods (conservation areas), 239

Z3 lands, neighbourhood centres, 239-40

Z4 lands, district centres, 240-2

Z5 lands, city centre, 242-3

Z6 lands, employment/enterprise, 243-4

Z7 lands, employment (heavy), 244-5

Z8 lands, Georgian conservation areas, 245-6

Z9 lands, amenity/open space lands/ green network, 246-7

Z10 lands, inner suburban and inner city sustainable mixed uses, 247

Z11 lands, waterways protection, 247-8

Z12 lands, institutional land (future development potential), 248-9

Z14 lands, strategic development and regeneration areas, 249-50

Z15 lands, institutional and community, 250-1