2.2.2 National Policy and Guidelines
The National Landscape Strategy (2015–2020)
This policy document was delivered by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht as a response to meeting Ireland’s obligations under the Florence Convention. It recognises the complexity and relevance of the Irish landscape and seeks to protect, manage and plan for the sustainable stewardship of the Irish landscape. Six key objectives are defined:
- Recognise landscapes in law.
- Develop a National Landscape Character Assessment.
- Develop landscape policies.
- Increase landscape awareness.
- Identify education, research and training needs.
- Strengthen public participation
Planning & Development Act
The Planning and Development Act is the legislative framework controlling development in Ireland, which includes requirements for the preparation of Development Plans by Local Authorities. Development Plan objectives include the zoning of land for recreation and open space, as well as the conservation and protection of natural heritage. The Act also gives Local Authorities the power to create Landscape Conservation Areas (LCA) for preservation of the landscape and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). There are currently no LCAs designated in Dublin City, however the Phoenix Park, North Bull Island, the Botanic Gardens and St Anne’s Park are under consideration. There are 6 existing Tree Preservation Orders. Development management duties by Park Services include the provision of public open spaces.
National Planning Guidelines
The Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas guidelines sets out the key planning principles which should be reflected in Development Plans and Local Area Plans and guide the preparation and assessment of planning applications for residential development in urban areas. Qualitative and quantitative guidance is given in relation to the provision of open space.
Ready, Steady, Play: National Play Strategy Guidelines
The Government, under the National Children’s Strategy, launched in November 2000, included a commitment to develop National Play and Recreation Policies. This strategy aims to create better play opportunities for children. Its overall objective is to plan for an increase in public play facilities and thereby improve the quality of life of children living in Ireland by providing them with more play opportunities.
Actions for Biodiversity 2017–2021
The National Biodiversity Plan is developed in line with the EU and International Biodiversity strategies and policies. The measures Ireland will take are presented as actions under a series of 7 strategic objectives. The objectives include the mainstreaming of biodiversity across the decision making process in the State, the strengthening of the knowledge base on biodiversity and increasing public awareness and participation.