2.3.5 Biodiversity
In an age of accelerating biodiversity loss, Dublin City Council was the first local authority in Ireland to produce a Biodiversity Action Plan in line with international, European and national legislation and policies. The purpose of this Plan is to increase community awareness of biodiversity, to protect local biodiversity hotspots and Natura 2000 sites and provide guidance on conserving Dublin City’s natural heritage.
Biodiversity contributes to our general wellbeing by providing the raw materials for good health. Strong communities and a thriving economy need a healthy natural environment. The city’s natural heritage and ecosystem is a mosaic of natural features and functions that include watercourses and associated riparian areas, floodplains, wetlands and beaches.
The city’s green space provides habitats for flora and fauna to thrive and thereby enhances our biodiversity. In particular, Dublin’s coastal habitats provide a space for marine and coastal species, such as seals and migrant geese to survive. The wide range of habitats, biodiversity and ecology raises Dublin city’s environmental protection profile on an international level, attracting thousands of visitors and enthusiasts each year.
Other environmental benefits can also be seen in our coastal wetlands. Such areas can improve protection against rising sea levels. Healthy floodplains and other wetland ecosystems can also limit the effects of river flooding. Inland parks and gardens, even with the demands of the visiting public, allow a range of wild species to thrive.