Householder’s Resources for Green Infrastructure
The information contained here is intended to help you, the Householder, develop green infrastructure on your property. The benefits of this include managing rainfall runoff from your property (your roof or your hard surfaces), increasing biodiversity in your property, developing pollinator friendly areas within your property, and allowing you to make a contribution to climate action by increasing vegetation. It is important that we change how we think about rainwater. Rather than viewing it as something to get rid of as quickly as possible by sending it into a drain, we should regard it as something that has value and can deliver benefits and usage in our homes. Green infrastructure allows us to make use of rainwater.
Rainwater Retention Planter
Intercepting and using rainwater from your roof before it reaches the ground is a great way to make use of water. A rainwater retention planter is a very simple green infrastructure feature that you can put in your property. Its purpose is to allow rainwater falling on the roof of your property to drain into it rather than directly into the stormwater drain on your property.
A rainwater planter is an overground, vegetated container into which rainwater from a roof flows. It is a very simple task to divert the existing downpipe from the roof into the planter. The mage below shows you what a rainwater retention planter looks like.
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