Oscar Traynor Road
Find out more about the Oscar Traynor Road development proposals.
Dublin City Council (DCC) are conducting a procurement process in accordance with the competitive dialogue procedure pursuant to EU Directive 2014/24/EU as implemented in Ireland by the European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 284 of 2016) (the “Regulations”) the OJEU reference for which was 2017/S 117-234294.
A preferred tenderer will be identified as of the result of the procurement process and will enter into an agreement with DCC.
There are currently two tenderers in this process.
Previous milestones:
19.06.2017 – PIN - Prior Information Notice Published
09.02.2018 - PIM / PQQ - Pre-Qualification Questionnaire/Project Information Memorandum published.
11.01.2019 - ITPD - Invitation to Participate in Dialogue published.
- “ITPD - Invitation to Participate in Dialogue published”
09.12.2019 – ISFT – Invitation to Submit Final Tender published.
- ISFT – Invitation to Submit Final Tender published.
Website: http://www.oscartraynor.ie/