Royal Canal Greenway Phase 4 - Amending Part 8
As part of the Royal Canal Greenway Phase 4 (between Cross Guns Bridge, Phibsborough, Dublin 7 and Ashtown, Dublin 15), Dublin City Council has submitted an Amending Part 8 application to approved Part 8 (Ref.2870/15), under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, to undertake development in this area.
Dublin City Council proposes to widen the existing towpath by realigning the northern bank of the canal at the following three locations to overcome the need for third party land acquisition, along with associated works and associated ancillary services:
- West of Lock 6 for approximately 600 metres, realigning by up to 2.15 metres;
- West of Broombridge for approximately 345 metres, realigning by up to 1.4 metres; and
- West of Lock 8 for approximately 85 metres, realigning by up to 1.75 metres.
As part of the works it is proposed to include ducting and associated chambers to ESB standard along the proposed Royal Canal Greenway project. Any future installation and energisation of high voltage cables will be a separate matter for the ESB subject to its own planning processes (as applicable).
Due to a referral made by a 3rd Party on 18th October 2023 regarding the Determination received on the Environment Impact Assessment Screening and the Appropriate Assessment Screening, the Draft Chief Executive’s report cannot be concluded within the expected timeframe. A decision from An Bord Pleanála on the Appropriate Assessment Screening was received on 1st May 2024, which recommended that the preparation of a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) is required for the scheme. The An Bord Pleanála decision on the Environment Impact Assessment Screening is still pending.