15.1 - Introduction
This chapter of the plan sets out the standards and criteria to be considered in in the development management process so that development proposals can be assessed both in terms of how they contribute to the achievement of the core strategy and related policies and objectives.
The guidance and principles set out are intended as a guide to prospective applicants as to how new development should stimulate responsive and innovate design in the city. Advice is also set out regarding specific land use types and developments.
As set out in Chapter 4: Shape and Structure of the City, the philosophy of Dublin City Council is to develop a planning approach that values urbanism and the creation of vibrant, safe, comfortable and attractive urban places where people want to live, work, meet and enjoy their leisure time. The City Council will expect applicants to demonstrate a comprehensive and integrated approach to design of all development.
The guidance in this chapter has been informed by the National Planning Framework 2040 and the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly – Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (2019-2031). The NPF and RSES encourage and support the densification of existing urban areas and promote the use of performance based criteria in the assessment of developments to achieve well designed and high quality outcomes.
NPO 6, 13 and 35 and RPO 4.3 and 5.4 specifically encourage the rejuvenation of urban areas reutilising existing buildings and brownfield sites for increased heights and densities subject to compliance with a series of qualitative assessments. These objectives, together with the Specific Planning Policy Requirements as set out in Section 28 Guidelines, including the Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines (2018) and the Sustainable Urban Housing; Design Standards for New Apartments, Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2020) have informed the development management guidelines as set out in this chapter.