15.18 - Environmental Management

15.18.1         Construction Management

All developments comprising 30 or more housing units and commercial developments (as well as institutional, educational, health and other public facilities) in excess of 1,000 sq. m. should be accompanied by a preliminary construction management plan. In the event of a grant of permission, and on appointment of a contractor, a final construction management plan will be required to be agreed with the Planning Authority.

Demolition/renovation/refurbishment projects generating in excess of 100 cubic metres in volume of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste; and Civil engineering projects which generate in excess of 500 cubic metres of waste materials used for development works on the site should also be accompanied by Construction Management Plans.

The construction management plan shall set out the details of the on-site operations including traffic management (site access, deliveries and maintenance and staff parking), waste management, environmental impacts such as noise, air quality, vibrations and any other relevant detail associated with the development. Where appropriate, excavated material from development sites is to be reused on the subject site.

The construction management plan should set out a clear timeline for the development, and details of the relevant on site contact for liaison with surrounding residents and businesses. For large construction projects (30 or more residential units of 1,000 sq. m. of commercial development), details of the site contact should be circulated to the local community, and where appropriate resident monitoring committees established for the duration of the project in order to promote best construction management and considered construction practices to protect the amenities of adjacent properties. The plan should consider the potential cumulative impacts of any adjacent development project under construction or planned for construction within the timeframe of the project, and set out appropriate mitigation measures to manage such cumulative impacts.



In reviewing construction management plans, the planning authority will have regard to the following:

  • Hours of operation.
  • Construction/phasing programme.
  • Community Liaison Strategy
  • Traffic Management Plan including employee parking and movements.
  • Noise, Vibration, Air Quality and Dust Monitoring and Mitigation Measures.
  • Cumulative impacts.
  • Details of any construction lighting including appropriate mitigation measures for lighting specifically designed to minimise impacts to biodiversity, including bats.
  • The management of construction and demolition waste included as part of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan
  • Containment of all construction-related fuel and oil within specially constructed bunds to ensure that fuel spillages are fully contained (such bunds shall be roofed to exclude rainwater).
  • A water and sediment management plan, providing for means to ensure that surface water runoff is controlled such that no silt or other pollutants enter local water courses or drains.
  • Details of a water quality monitoring and sampling plan.
  • Measures adopted during construction to prevent the spread of invasive species (such as Japanese Knotweed).      Construction Traffic Management Plan

A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) is a key document that aims to reduce possible impacts which may occur during the construction period of a proposed development. An applicant/developer is responsible for ensuring construction activities are managed in accordance with the CTMP.

Objectives and measures should be included for the management, design and construction of the proposed development to control the traffic impacts of construction insofar as it may affect the environment, local residents and the public in the vicinity of the construction works.

Where demolition is taking place on site prior to the commencement of construction, a separate demolition construction traffic management plan is required.

A Preliminary Construction Traffic Management Plan may be required during the Development Management process to ensure the feasibility of construction on constrained or restricted sites. Cumulative impacts with adjacent development sites should also be considered.

A CTMP is subject to ongoing reviews of construction traffic management and liaison by the contractor/developer with Dublin City Council’s Roadworks Control Section throughout the period of construction. Where multiple sites are within close proximity of each other and residential housing, developers may be required to coordinate and update their CTMP in consultation with DCC and with adjoining landowners; and also participate in a traffic and construction management group coordinated by DCC. The contractor/developer shall apply for all necessary licenses and permits where required.      Considered Construction

Considered Construction seeks to improve the image of the construction industry which requires registered contractors to commit to care about appearance, respect the community, protect the environment, secure everyone’s safety and value their workforce.

Dublin City Council will support the provision of considered construction in all planning applications. Commitment to the scheme should be identified as part of the Construction Management Plan submitted with planning applications.      Phasing

Dublin City Council may also require developers to submit a phasing and implementation programme for large developments including commercial development in excess of 5,000 sq. m. and residential schemes in excess of 100 units, to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the construction of the development.

A phasing proposal should be included within the construction management plan submitted with applications for agreement with the planning authority.      Hours of Operation

On sites where noise generated by construction would seriously affect residential amenity, the site and building works must be carried out between 0700 and 1800 hours Monday to Friday only, and between 0800 and 1400 hours on Saturdays only. No works shall be carried out on Sundays or bank holidays.

However, deviation from these times may be permitted in exceptional circumstances, where prior written approval has been received from Dublin City Council. Such approval may be given subject to conditions pertaining to the particular circumstances being set by Dublin City Council.

15.18.2         Waste Management

All planning applications in excess of 30 or more residential units and / or 1,000 sq. m. of commercial development shall be accompanied by both and Construction and Operational Waste Management Plan.

The construction waste management plan may form part of the overall construction management plan and shall detail the strategy in relation to on site waste storage, segregation and disposal. Development proposals shall recycle demolition material and re-use existing building materials where possible. In all developments of 30 or more housing units or commercial developments in excess of 1,000 sq. m, a materials source and management plan showing type of materials / proportion of re use/ recycled materials to be used shall be implemented by the developer.

The operational waste management plan shall set out the strategy for waste collection, storage and recycling. All applications shall clearly identify the waste storage and collection points and detail the anticipated waste collection schedule having regard to the impact on road users both within the development and the surrounding area. See also Appendix 7 for further details.

15.18.3         Recycling Facilities

Public recycling facilities (textile & glass bottles) etc. should be provided in all large scale retail developments, such as supermarkets, discount foodstores over 1,000 sq. m. Please also refer to Policy SI31 ‘Provision of Public Recycling Facilities in Large Retail Developments’.

Recycling facilities with the potential to create significant impact on amenity to adjoining properties/sites must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the planning authority that such impact will be controlled to an acceptable level.

In some cases, measures such as site redesign, provision of noise insulation or perimeter landscape buffers, containment of yard operations within a building, or comprehensive boundary treatment may help control potential negative externalities.

15.18.4         Basements

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in new basement development and extensions to existing basements. Basements can provide valuable additional space for purposed uses such as leisure and storage. However, basements can affect the environment and nearby structures in a number of ways e.g. geological, hydrological and hydrogeological impacts.

It is the policy of Dublin City Council to generally discourage any significant underground or basement development or excavations below ground level of, or adjacent to, residential properties in Conservation Areas or to protected structures. Development of basements for residential use below the estimated flood levels for flood zone areas ‘Zone A’ or ‘Zone B’ will not be permitted (Policy SI20).

It is the policy of the City Council that a Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) shall accompany all planning applications that include a basement. A basement or underground development is considered as being an accessible area positioned below the existing street level or ground level and would include any works that will remain permanently in the ground, such as embedded wall construction below the base of the accessible area.

Detailed guidance is set out in Appendix 9 regarding the content and scope to be considered in the preparation of a Basement Impact Assessment.

15.18.5         Telecommunications and Digital Connectivity

All new developments will be required to provide for open access connectivity arrangements directly to individual premises to enable service provider competition and consumer choice in line with Policy SI46 of the development plan.

The provision and siting of telecommunications antennae shall take account of the Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures – Guidelines for Planning Authorities, (Department of Environment and Local Government, 1996), as revised by DECLG Circular Letter PL 07/12, and any successor guidance.

Telecommunications antennae and supporting structures should preferably be located on industrial estates or on lands zoned for industrial/employment uses. Possible locations in commercial areas, such as rooftop locations on tall buildings, may also be acceptable, subject to visual amenity considerations. In terms of the design of free-standing masts, masts and antennae should be designed for the specific location.

In assessing proposals for telecommunication antennae and support structures, factors such as the object in the wider townscape and the position of the object with respect to the skyline will be closely examined. These factors will be carefully considered when assessing proposals in a designated conservation area, open space amenity area, historic park, or in the vicinity of protected buildings, special views or prospects, monuments or sites of archaeological importance. The location of antennae or support structures within any of these areas or in proximity to protected structures, archaeological sites and other monuments should be avoided.

Where existing support structures are not unduly obtrusive, the City Council will encourage co-location or sharing of digital connectivity infrastructure such as antennae on existing support structures, masts and tall buildings (see Policy SI48). Applicants must satisfy the City Council that they have made every reasonable effort to share with other operators.

15.18.6         Plant Machinery

Where required, the scale of plant at roof level should be minimised and have a suitable finish or screening so that it is discreet and unobtrusive. Plant, flues and lift overruns should not be included in the height of the building, as long as they are set back and properly screened and do not significantly add to the shadowing or otherwise of natural light beyond that of the main structure. Where plant rooms are highly visible, and occupy the majority of roof space, the impact of such will be assessed similar to an additional floor.

15.18.7         Renewable Energy

Development proposals will be encouraged to utilise renewable energy sources such as wind energy where feasible. Applicant should assess the feasibility of alternative energy sources as part of the energy statement submitted with the application.

In accordance with policy CA11 and CA12, the provision of on-site and micro energy production wind energy sources in industrial area and business parks will be assessed on a case by case basis where it can be demonstrated that:

  • The amenity obtained by surrounding properties shall not be affected.
  • The visual impact of the provision of such facilities should also be assessed in the context of the surrounding environment as to ensure the visual amenity of the area is protected.

15.18.8         Solar Energy

Solar or PV panels allow solar energy to be utilised in the ongoing operation of a building. In line with NZEB requirements, Dublin City Council will require all new developments to provide for solar panelling / PV panels to contribute to the energy generation in a building where feasible.

For individual dwelling units, homeowners can utilise solar thermal panels that produce hot water and photovoltaic panels that produce electricity. Solar systems can be installed in the roof space of a dwelling similar to roof lights. Any solar thermal panels that are installed on or in roofs should not unduly dominate the roof and should be sensitive to the character, colour and style of the existing roof. The Planning and Development Regulations 2007 (S.1 No. 83 of 2007) set out planning exemptions for micro-renewable energy technologies for domestic houses including solar panels, heating systems and wind turbines.

Please refer to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Best Practice Guide to Photovoltaics (PV) for full details on the design and requirements for PV. https://www.seai.ie/publications/Best_Practice_Guide_for_PV.pdf

Large scale proposals for solar panels or any development in the vicinity of the airport will be required to submit a Glint and Glare Assessment. Domestic applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. All large scale proposals involving for solar panels shall be sent to Irish Aviation Authority and Dublin Airport Authority as part of the statutory consultee process.

15.18.9         Noise

Dublin City Council will have regard to the Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2018–2023 when assessing planning applications (see also Section 9.5.8: Noise Pollution). Where it is considered that a proposed development is likely to create a disturbance due to noise, a condition may be imposed by the planning authority on any planning permission limiting the hours of operation and level of noise generation.

Development proposals for residential development within designated noise zones, such as Dublin Airport Aircraft Noise Zones or which may generate noise sensitive activities should be accompanied by a noise impact assessment to analyse the potential noise impact on the development proposal. The applicant is required to demonstrate good acoustic design has been followed to mitigate against any potential noise impacts. Airport Noise Zone C is partially located within the Dublin City Council administrative boundary. For further details and map based information, see Fingal County Development Plan 2017-2023 Variation 1. https://www.fingal.ie/fingal-development-plan-2017-2023.

Construction noise assessment should form part of the construction management plan and set out clear mitigation measures in place throughout the entire construction phase.

Operational noise should be assessed as part of the planning application to determine whether the proposed use of the development will impact on the ambient noise levels of the surrounding environment. Appropriate sound proofing and noise mitigation measure should be provided where necessary.

15.18.10       Air Quality

All developments during construction and operational stage shall ensure that the air quality of the surrounding area is not effected (see also Section 9.5.7). Details of the air quality controls in place throughout construction shall be identified in the construction management plan.

As part of the operational management of a proposal, applicants are required to facilitate air extraction / ventilation units and other associated plant and services through the use of internal ducting. Details of such proposals shall be set out in planning applications as part of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering details.

15.18.11       Ground Investigation

Any development containing significant excavation including the construction of a basement or any development on brownfield lands should include a ground investigation report to be submitted with an application. This will determine the best practice design based on the soil composition. Where lands are considered unstable or infilled, a strategy for the support and or removal of underground lands shall be provided as part of a planning application.

15.18.12       Ground Contamination

Due to a mixture of historic industrial land-uses and land reclamation, there are a number of locations in the city where contaminated land could cause an environmental problem.

Any contaminated land will require appropriate remediation prior to redevelopment, including, in some instances, removal of material from a site which may require a licence under the Waste Management Act, 1996, as amended, prior to the undertaking of such works (see Section 9.5.6). In all cases involving contaminated land, it is the policy of Dublin City Council to require the highest standards of remediation and where appropriate to consult with the Environmental Protection Agency and other relevant bodies to resolve the environmental pollution created by contaminated land.

Where the previous history of a site suggests that contamination may have occurred, developers will be responsible for the following:

  • Undertaking a detailed site investigation, soil testing and analysis to establish whether contamination has occurred.
  • Providing a detailed written report of investigation and assessment (including recommendations for treating the affected ground) to Dublin City Council.
  • The decontamination of sites prior to new development works taking place, and the prohibition of development until Dublin City Council is satisfied that the affected ground has been satisfactorily treated.
  • Decontamination activities should ensure that there is no off-site migration of contaminants via run-off, soils or groundwater.

15.18.13       Seveso

Appendix 8 contains the list of COMAH Establishments (SEVESO III sites) where the Health and Safety Authority must be contacted by the planning authority for technical advice prior to a decision being made on proposed development in the vicinity of these sites (see also Section 9.5.10).

15.18.14       Flood Risk Management

All applications for developments in flood risk areas shall have regard to the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment of this plan. All applications within flood zones A and B will be required to submit a Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment to an appropriate level of detail (see Policy SI15 and SI16).

Potential applicants should ensure consideration of residual risk without regard to any existing flood protection structures. Dublin City Council will assess planning applications with regard to the vulnerability classes of land-use and development types in accordance with the national guidelines. Potential applicants should refer to these and demonstrate adherence to them.

In relation to rivers, potential applicants should give consideration to potential river channel impacts, adhere to the Inland Fisheries Ireland guidance and ensure access for wildlife to the river where possible.

15.18.15       Airport Safety Zones

Airport safety zones are indicated on the zoning maps associated with the development plan written statement. Dublin City Council will continue to take account of the advice of the Irish Aviation Authority with regard to the effects of any development proposals on the safety of aircraft or the safe and efficient navigation thereof. Planning applications for any proposals that may be developed in the environs of the airport to the Irish Aviation Authority and DAA in accordance with the Obstacle Limitation Requirements of Regulation (EU) No 139 / 2014 (EASA Certification Specifications), previously required under ICAO Annex 14, and which are depicted on the aerodrome operator’s map as indicated as part of Fingal County Development Plan 2017-2023 Variation 1. https://www.fingal.ie/fingal-development-plan-2017-2023.

Development proposals located within Airport Public Safety Zones shall reflect the guidance set out in the ERM Report “Public Safety Zones, 2005” (or any update thereof).

15.19 Dublin Port

In assessing proposals for the Dublin Port area, Dublin City Council will have regard to the following:


  • Recognition of the important role of Dublin Port in the economic life of the city and the region and the consequent need in economic and employment terms to facilitate port development.
  • The periphery of the port area facing residential areas shall be designed to minimise the impact of its industrial character.
  • The impact on nature conservation, recreation and amenity use, and other environmental considerations, including having regard to the designation of Dublin Bay as a UNESCO biosphere and other environmental designations such as Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA).
  • The protection of the amenities of residential and commercial uses in adjoining areas.
  • Design criteria including appropriate landscaping, finishes, signage, boundary treatments and site layout where development adjoins residential and commercial uses.