15.2 - Planning Process and Documentation

15.2.1 Legislative Context

Development management is an integral part of the planning process. Applicants are encouraged to consult the development plan and other guidelines set out herein to ascertain the requirements for development proposals. Part III of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, sets out the legislative context for the control of development and the planning application process with reference to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, in respect of the requirements for planning applications. In accordance with the relevant legislation, this chapter of the development plan will provide further guidance and specific requirements in respect of the necessary components to be submitted and considered as part of a planning application.

15.2.2 Section 247 Pre Planning Consultation

Applicants are advised to engage in Pre Application Consultation with the Planning Department prior to the lodgement of significant planning applications as provided for in Section 247 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

This process provides for an opportunity for the planning authority to consider the development in principle and advise the applicant of relevant policies and objectives to influence its design having regard to the key objectives of the development plan in order to ensure the delivery of high quality schemes.

15.2.3 Planning Application Documentation - Planning Thresholds

The planning application process involves the assessment of a range of different factors including architectural design, landscape, ecology and the environment, services and drainage, visual impact, conservation, transportation and microclimate including daylight and sunlight access, noise and wind.

Planning applications should be supported by the necessary analysis and documentation to demonstrate the proposed design and rational for a scheme. To assist in the planning application preparation, Table 15-1 sets out the development thresholds for some of the documentation related to specific planning applications. Applicants are advised to consult this table at an early stage in the planning application process.



Table 15-1:      Thresholds for Planning Applications


Residential Threshold

Commercial Threshold


Architectural Design Report

50 or more residential units

Site Specific Circumstances


Housing Quality Assessment

All residential developments



Landscape Design Report

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Planning Report

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Daylight and Sunlight Assessment

All apartment developments

Site Specific Circumstances*


Community and Social Audit

50 or more residential units


Any Development Comprising of Community or Social Infrastructure**.

Lifecycle Report

All apartment developments



Community Safety Strategy

100 residential units



Operational Management Statement

30 or more residential units


Hotel, Aparthotel

Traffic and Transport Assessment

50 or more residential units


Any development with construction of new roads, any project which materially affects vulnerable road users, amendments to existing roads or generating significant road movements.

Mobility Management Plan/ Travel Plan

20 or more residential units

Over 100 Employees

Any development with zero / reduced car parking. School campuses and large childcare services.

Road Safety Audit



Any development with construction of new roads, any project which materially affects vulnerable road users, amendments to existing roads or generating significant road movements.

Service Delivery and Access Strategy

All Mews/Backland Dwellings

*****Site specific circumstances

Student Accommodation, Hotel, Aparthotel

Engineering Services Report (Civil and Structural)

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Construction Management Plan

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Construction Demolition Waste Management Plan

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Operational Waste Management Plan

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Basement Impact Assessment



All developments which include basement levels.

Climate Action and Energy Statement (including District Heating)

30 or more residential units

1,000 sq. m. or more


Surface Water Management Plan – see Appendix 13

2 or more residential units

100 sq. m.


Noise Assessment



Any noise generating use and or any development within designated noise zones as indicated on development plan zoning maps.

Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment



Any developments within a Flood Risk Zones A and B.

Site Investigation Report



All developments on sites that comprise of contaminated lands and/ or where basement is proposed.

Conservation Report



Any development relating to a protected structure, within the curtilage of a protected structure, and / or effecting or within the curtilage of a protected monument. Developments within an ACA may require report depending on the scale of development proposed.

Retail Impact Statement



Retail development *** of 2,000 sq. m (net comparison floorspace) and 1,500 sq. m. (net convenience floorspace) outside of the city centre and KUV’s.

Ecological Impact Assessment



All developments that are located within or adjacent to any sensitive habitat, on sites that could contain protected species or in a quality landscape environment.

Appropriate Assessment Screening and NIS



An Appropriate Assessment Screening is required for all developments. A stage 2 (Natura Impact Statement) is required where significant effects on the environment are likely either alone or in combination with any other project.

Environmental Impact Assessment



All developments within the threshold set out in Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended or any development that has a significant impact on the environment.

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Microclimate Assessment, Telecommunications Report – see Appendix 3

Site Specific Circumstances****

Site Specific Circumstances****



*Daylight / Sunlight Assessment required for site specific circumstances to demonstrate potential impact on surrounding properties – See Appendix 16 for further guidance.

**Community and Social Infrastructure include School’s, Crèche’s, Community Centre, Places of Worship, Public Parks, Library’s or any publically accessible state owned building.

***Retail includes supermarket, discount supermarket, convenience store, comparison store, retail warehouse, any store for the sale of goods and/ or clothing.

****These reports will be required on a case by case basis having regard to the height and density of the proposal. See Appendix 3 for further details.

*****Service Delivery and Access Strategy required for site specific circumstances to demonstrate adequate access and ability to service site (see Appendix 5 for further guidance).

15.2.4 Interest in Property

With regard to submitting a planning application, under the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended), an applicant who is not the legal owner of the land or structure in question must submit a letter of consent from the owner in order to make the planning application. The Development Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2007, provide further guidance on this matter.

15.2.5 Development Contributions

Dublin City Council may, when granting planning permission, attach conditions requiring the payment of contribution(s) in respect of public infrastructure and facilities, benefiting development in its area. Details of such contributions are set out in the Council’s Development Contribution Scheme, and in Supplementary Development Contribution Schemes, where relevant, which are available to view on www.dublincity.ie.