Charging Structure for Amber and Green Listed Waste

Tá an Struchtúr Muirearaithe le haghaidh Dramhaíola atá ar an Liosta Ómra agus Glas.

From 1st July 2010, the fees listed hereunder apply for services provided by the National TransFrontier Shipments Office in respect of the export and import of waste

Export Charges (Є)


Green Amber + Green
Annual administration fee (fixed) 500 250 600
Tonnage fee 2.50 0.60  
Glass   0.30  
Soil 0.30    
Bulk Shipment (a single waste shipment greater than or equal to 1,000 tonnes for fee purposes). A notifier must declare at application/notification stage if a shipment is a bulk shipment. 0.30    

Import Charges (Є)

Amber Green  
Annual administration fee (fixed) per calendar year 500 500  
Shipment fee 25.00    

Repatriation Fee (€)
Repatriation/direction to return amber or green list waste from Irish, EU or international ports 750 per returned shipment    

Registration Fee (€)

Fee/Renewal Fee
Registration under Waste Management (Brokers and Dealers) Regulations 2008 200    

Refund Fee (€)
Administration of Refund Application    
Unused tonnes notified; cancelled notifications 350    

Unused tonnes notified; cancelled notifications

Monitoring Fee (€) (from April 2012) Amber and Green List Waste    
Investigations/Issuance of written directions for breaches of amber notification procedures and consent conditions and green list shipment procedures 350    

Waste Transfer Form Monitoring Fee(€) (from March 2016)

Investigations/Issuance of written directions for breaches of waste transfer form procedures 100    

Please note the following:

Export Charges: Fees for amber waste exports and imports are unchanged. The administration fee applies from 1st January to 31st December each year.

Import Charges: The €25 fee applies to each shipment on a notification for amber waste imports. No tonnage/shipment fees apply to the import of Green waste.

Registration Fee: The Certificate of Registration shall be valid for a period of two years.

Payment Methods

Refund Fee: The fee of €350 shall be deducted from the tonnage fees already paid on the notification. Refund claims up to €350 shall not be considered. The annual administration fee is non-refundable. A claim for a refund must be received by email on the prescribed TFS Refund Form no later than one month from the notification.

Please note that the person who arranges the waste shipments must continue to complete the appropriate documentation and move waste in accordance with procedures set down in the Waste Shipment Regulations.

Contact Details

Waste Management and Environment

Telephone Number