Green List Waste Shipments
Tagraíonn ‘Dramhaíl ar an Liosta Glas’ lastais de dhramhaíl neamhghuaiseach atá le haisghabháil laistigh de agus ón AE.
Green Listed Waste
The documents Guidelines for the Classification and Movement of Green List Waste,
Reporting Procedures for the Export and Import of Green Listed Waste (GLW) and
FAQs for Green List Waste, which can be downloaded below, contain more information on the classification of Green List Waste, including procedures for export and details of the fee structure in place since the 12th July 2008.
Annex VII
The Annex VII form and notice are downloadable below.
Shipments to Non-OECD Countries: controls imposed by the destination country
Different non-OECD countries impose different controls on the different waste types listed in Annex III and IIIA. It is your responsibility as the exporter/notifier to familiarise yourself with the controls that the proposed destination country imposes on the type of green list waste being exported.
The EU Commission has asked every non-OECD country outside the EU to detail their preferred controls for each type of waste listed in Annex III. The responses to this questionnaire are included in Commission Regulation (EC) No. 837/2010 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1418/2007 - please click on the link below to refer to this document.
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 837/2010 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1418/2007