5.5.4 Quality Housing for All

Housing with long-term adaptability and potential for flexibility allows for change as circumstances alter or families grow. Adaptability that allows for the alteration of the fabric of a building, and flexibility which allows for spaces to accommodate a range of uses, are key considerations in the design of a home.

Dublin City Council will have regard to the Lifetime Homes guidance contained in Section 5.2 of the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s ‘Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities – Best Practice Guidelines for Delivering Homes Sustaining Communities’ (2007).

As people live longer, the number over the age of 65 in Ireland is expected to increase substantially, reaching 1.4 million by 2041, or about 22% of the total population.

The Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014 – 2019 recognises that there is insufficient alternative accommodation, such as sheltered accommodation and nursing homes in local communities. In this context, the provision of specific accommodation for older people is supported and this would provide alternative residential choices for older people not wishing to enter a nursing home and may free up larger family homes in established residential areas. As a general rule step-down housing for the elderly should be located in close proximity to existing village centres/ amenities, to enable people to continue to interact with their local communities.

5.5.4 objective of dcc
5.5.4 policy of dcc