Archived Planning Files; how to order a copy
Dublin City Archives is responsible for the storage of historic Dublin City Council Planning Application Files for the period 1952-1988 inclusive. There are gaps in this series, as some Plan Files were accidentally destroyed by fire before they were transferred to Dublin City Archives. The Archived Plan Files are held in off-site storage.
Copies of archived plan files, in PDF, may be requested from the City Archives, at a cost of €45.00 per plan to cover the cost of scanning.
Requesting a copy of an archived plan file
Obtain the relevant archived plan file number(s) from Dublin City Council's Planning Registry; email [email protected]. (Please note that if you order the wrong archived plan file, the scanning charge will apply.)
Submit details of the plan you want via the online form.
Upon receipt of the form, we will confirm that the requested file is available and will get it scanned.
Once the file has been scanned (please note, scanning requests can take 21-28 days to complete from receipt of form) we will email you, and you can then pay the scanning fee.
To pay the scanning fee simply contact Dublin City Council Customer Services at 01 222 2222 and tell them you want to make a payment for Libraries Archived Planning Files.
Once you've paid the fee you will receive a receipt by email.
You can then send a copy of the receipt to us at [email protected] and we will send you the PDF.
Students who wish to request archived plan files for study purposes should email [email protected].