4.14 Art in Parks
Parks create an outdoor gallery for public art and currently over twenty parks contain artworks. The subject matter is wide and variable, from pieces dedicated to notable individuals, to those of a more abstract nature. Art appreciation is subjective, sometimes controversial, but overall a welcome addition to our city parks that can greatly enhance their cultural value, reflect the identity of Dublin and display the creative talent of sculptors and artists.
Artwork is obtained through donations of pieces to the City Council as well as through commissioning. A city-wide policy on public art has been prepared and is administered by the Public Art Advisory Group. Artwork for donation will be assessed on artistic merit, site suitability, appropriateness to the city context and on cost and maintenance implications. These criteria are also suitable when art is commissioned and in particular, the relevance to the receiving park’s character is considered important. This is illustrated in the selection of artwork for Father Collins Park, a place which promotes and demonstrates the use of sustainable energy. The chosen artwork ‘Inverted Oil Rig’ by artist Alan Phelan suitably reflects the park’s theme through the notion of returning oil to the ground in favour of sustainable energy sources.