Policy & Actions
- Parks Services will continue to assist the provision of a sustainable green city through the planning and development control system, with particular focus on achieving a balance between development and conservation. Emphasis will be placed on conservation of trees, historic designed landscapes, natural and built heritage, and recreation including playing fields. While the continued development of the city poses challenges, it also contributes to the provision of new public space, the enhancement of existing parks and the supply of better recreational facilities.
- Parks Services will update current guidelines (Guidelines for Open Space Development and Taking in Charge) to planning applicants for submission of landscape proposals (including open space, biodiversity and arboriculture aspects). Coordination with the adjacent councils (Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Council & South Dublin County Council) will be sought.
- Parks Services will prepare guidelines on green buildings/structures to encourage greening within city development.
- Parks Services will investigate St Anne’s Park for suitability as a designated landscape conservation area.