Dublin City Development Plan 2016 - 2022
The Dublin City Development Plan (2016-2022) sets out policies and objectives to guide how and where development will take place in the city over the lifetime of the Plan. It provides an integrated, coherent spatial framework to ensure the city is developed in an inclusive way which improves the quality of life for its citizens, whilst also being a more attractive place to visit and work. This Plan was adopted by Dublin City Council at a Special Council meeting on 23rd September 2016. The Plan came into effect on 21st October 2016.
Volume 1: Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 Written Statement
Volume 2: Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 Appendices
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set A
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set B
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set C
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set D
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set E
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set F
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set G
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set H
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set J
Volume 3: Zoning Map Set K
Volume 4: Record of Protected Structures
Volume 5: SEA Dublin City Development Plan Statement October 2016
Volume 5: SEA - Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022
Volume 6: Appropriate Assessment
Volume 7: SFRA - Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022