Books, Movies and More
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Find books and other items
In Dublin City Libraries you can read a wide variety of books and access reference materials, movies, audiobooks, video games and more. There is also a wide range of materials available online through Online Resources. If you're not sure what you're looking for, or are having trouble finding it, you can ask library staff for assistance.
Here is a list of the kind of materials you can expect to find in your local library and online:
Large print
If you find it difficult to read normal-sized print, why not try large print? All Dublin City Libraries have a wide range of fiction and some non fiction books in large print.
Easy reads
If you prefer to read something shorter than the usual book that uses shorter sentences, you might like to try books from the Easy Reads section.
Books in many languages
Whether you're trying to improve your language skills, or looking for popular books in your native language, we have a wide selection of books in many languages.
Graphic novels
You can read a wide range of comics and graphic novels for all ages. Search the current selection on the library catalogue.
Comics Plus offers full-colour, digital comics and graphic novels.
Audio books
Would you rather listen than read? Or maybe you're going on a long car journey. You can borrow audio books on CD or MP3.
eBooks and eAudiobooks
You can borrow up to 5 eBooks and 5 eAudiobooks at a time when you sign up for our BorrowBox service and download the app.
Digital Magazines and newspapers
We have range of online magazines and newspapers on PressReader and Libby.
From 1 May 2024, BorrowBox will offer library members access to newspapers and magazines as well as eBooks and audiobooks.
The Libby and PressReader services will no longer be available to library members.
Recommended reads
If you're wondering what to read next, Who Else Writes Like...? Dublin City Library's guide to fiction authors, can help you discover new authors. Log in with your Dublin City library card number with the prefix DCP- (this includes a dash e.g. DCP-D1XXXXXXXXXXXX). In branch library no login required.
You can also check our blog for other recommendations, reviews, and more.
One Dublin, One Book
One Dublin, One Book encourages everyone in the city to read the same book during the month of April every year. It is a Dublin City Council initiative led by the City Library Service.
You can find a huge range of films and television series on DVD in your local library. You can search for DVDs in the online catalogue using Advanced Search. Just enter the title (or keywords), and select 'DVD' in the 'Format' menu.
Video Games
We have a range of video games available. You can borrow a maximum of two games at a time. Dublin City Libraries' Games cannot be reserved online, so drop into your library regularly and see what’s on offer. To check what games are available at your local library, use our Advanced Search. Select your library in Location, enter your games console as a keyword e.g. PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox.
Reference-only Material
You can consult a variety of reference materials in your local library, like:
- Directories - e.g. Thom's Dublin Street Directory and County Street Directory
- Encyclopaedias - e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica; Social Science Encyclopaedia; Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Costume & Fashion; Photography Encyclopaedia and Cambridge Biographical Encyclopaedia.
- Dictionaries - e.g. Language dictionaries; Dictionary of Irish Place Names; Dictionary of Irish Quotations; Dictionary of Irish Artists.
- Yearbooks - e.g. IPA Administration Yearbook and Diary; Statesman's Yearbook; Whitaker's Almanac.
- Newspapers, magazines and journals - e.g. Irish Independent, Irish Times, Evening Herald.
Dublin City Libraries has a significant music collection with most branches providing a range of music and music literature.
The main body of the collection is located in the Central Library in the Ilac Shopping Centre. There you can find both recorded and printed music, listen to music in one of the booths with headphones, learn to play the piano keyboard in the self-learning facility and access a lyrics and CD-track database.
You can also learn an instrument through the First Notes Collection or browse a large number of music periodicals.
We also have a number of online resources; Naxos Music Library, Oxford Music Online, ArtistWorks, Freegal, and Medici TV.
Music Equipment Lending
The GRD Gear Library is a collection of instruments, amplifiers and musical accessories designed for teenagers by Girls Rock Dublin and Dublin City Libraries. Available at Pearse Street Library and Ballyfermot Library.
Access a list of publications issued by Dublin City Libraries. Included are all the titles in the Sir John T. Gilbert lecture series (2003- to date).