Re-imagining Dublin One
In 2017 Dublin City Council invited the American Institute of Architects to come to Dublin with a view to providing an impetus for a new vision for the Dublin 1 area (Dublin One) from O’Connell Street to Capel Street and from the quays to Parnell Street. Following intensive workshops and discussion the 'Reimagining Dublin One Laneways' strategy document was produced.
Over the past 12 months DCC have been developing further the initiatives outlined and are in the process of implementing the following actions:
Liffey Street public realm improvements
The project involves street improvement works to Liffey Street Upper & Lower. The proposals aim to declutter the streetscape while creating a pedestrian-friendly environment through a series of safe and enjoyable public spaces linking the Ha’penny Bridge to Henry Street. Prioritising the needs of the pedestrian over the vehicle is central to the concept, and pedestrian numbers can be expected to increase once the proposals have been implemented. Works are due to begin on site in early 2021 and will be completed over a nine month period.
Wolfe Tone Park
Wolfe Tone Park & Street Environmental Improvement Scheme offers a new destination point for all, as an ever-changing civic space where daily life and spectacle collide. The contextual design offers a thriving and inviting multi-use urban space for all ages and abilities, to be treasured by residents, workers and visitors. The design consists of two phases:
Phase one, the redesign and refurbishment of Wolfe Tone Street to create a more pedestrian friendly environment with new public lighting and street furniture and the use of a historic materials palette, creating both a high quality environment and character area.
Phase two involves the refurbishment of Wolfe Tone Park, everything within the park has been designed with intent: from the proposed new feature lawn, the retention of the existing mature trees, the proposed horticulture, to conservation and recognition of the parks history as a graveyard.
The new design for Wolfe Tone Park & Street Environmental Improvement Scheme will provide a green oasis and destination point in the heart of Dublin’s bustling city centre.
Reimagining Dublin One Laneways
Dublin City Council appointed Sean Harrington Architects to develop the Dublin One Lanes' Strategy. The strategy looked at lane ways in the Dublin 1 eircode, categorised them and identified actions for their improvement. The main outcome is the detailing of works for five selected laneways within the Dublin 1 region as pilot/demonstration projects for the improvements of lanes generally in Dublin 1 and of course more widely within the city centre. The actions for each lane are broken into short, medium and long term. Actions include art installations, public realm improvements, better lighting, increased security, safety, planning and development advice etc.
Wolfe Tone Street Crescent improvements
Works to improve this vacant space at the north eastern corner of Wolfe Tone Street are now almost complete. The works include the installation of a planting scheme highlighting bird and bug life in the city. It will includes the installation of a tiled wall and polished concrete floor.
Mary’s Street Public Realm Scheme
A design team has been appointed and they are developing proposals for the pedestrianisation of Mary’s Street from its junction with Jervis Street to the junction of Capel Street. The intention would be to provide a high quality pedestrian zone that would bring footfall from Henry Street moving further east as far as Capel Street. Consultation will begin shortly on proposals.
North Lotts Planning Study
We will look at proposals for the improvement of North Lotts to include the adjoining laneways. These improvements will include the upgrading of the public realm as well as looking at opportunities for new development along the Lotts as outlined in the Dublin One Lanes' Strategy.
There is a significant body of work developing from the Dublin One plan which requires a partnership approach between the private sector and Dublin City Council. We are working closely with a range of stakeholders across all of the above projects with the intention of making a significant long-term impact to improve the Dublin 1 area.