14.8.7 Employment (Heavy) – Zone Z7
To provide for the protection and creation of industrial uses, and facilitate opportunities for employment creation including Port Related Activities.
The majority of these lands are located in the Port area (see Chapter 4 – Shape and Structure of the City, and also Chapter 16 – Development Standards, Section 16.21: Dublin Port). The primary uses in these areas are those that can result in a standard of amenity that would not be acceptable in other areas. They can sometimes lead to disamenities which would need to be managed through the planning process to safeguard residential amenity when necessary. Activities include industry, other than light industry; manufacturing repairs, open storage, waste material treatment, and transport operation services.
These areas require a measure of protection from other non-compatible clean uses as this can result in conflict and limit the expansion of the primary use in the area. In particular, activities that fall within the scope of the SEVESO III (COMAH) regulations should only be permitted on lands zoned Z7 and the expansion of such facilities may be impacted by the requirement to protect surrounding land-uses. See Chapter 9 – Sustainable Environmental Infrastructure, Chapter 16, Section 16.34 – Contaminated Land), and Appendix 12 - Seveso III sites, for further guidance.