Dodder Greenway - Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road scheme FAQ's & Information Leaflets
Dublin City Council will deliver the Active Travel Network through a series of infrastructure projects over the coming years. The Network will grow from the existing 10km to a connected network of 310km across the city. Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road has been identified as a suitable location for interim measures along the Dodder Greenway corridor. It will provide walking and cycling facilities from Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road in advance of the Dodder Greenway project. When complete, the project will deliver high quality walking and cycling facilities along the Dodder River from the sea to the mountains through Dublin City Council, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and South Dublin County Council.
The scheme provides 0.5km of cycling and walking facilities linking Bridge Street to Londonbridge Road along the Dodder River.
- A signalised junction is proposed at the Bridge Street / Fitzwilliam Quay junction with new pedestrian and cyclist crossings across Bridge Street and Fitzwilliam Quay.
- A 3m wide, two-way cycle lane will be provided on the western side of Fitzwilliam Quay, separating cyclists from traffic by way of segregation kerbs
- A 3m wide, two-way cycle lane will be provided along the existing green space outside the western wall of Dodder Park.
- A quiet street (mixing of cyclists and vehicles) will be provided along the existing road section which links the Pump House Apartments to Londonbridge Road by way of road markings.
This scheme intends to provide an active travel link along the Dodder River in advance of the Dodder Greenway Project and into future cycle and public transport schemes. The overall aim is to improve walking and cycling facilities for the local communities, facilitating modal shift towards more sustainable modes for both commuting and leisure.
A non-statutory public consultation process was carried out for the scheme. The scheme drawings were available to view from Monday 29th May to Friday 30th June 2023 at:
- Dublin City Council, Block 1, Floor 0, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, D08RF3F
- Ringsend Library, Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 4, D04 Y970
- (Still available to view.)
Work on the Public Consultation Report is ongoing and expected to be published in Q1 2024.
An information event on the project was held from 4-7pm on the 15th of June in Sandymount Community Centre, Newbridge Ave, Sandymount, Co.Dublin. The event was well attended giving the public the opportunity to discuss the proposals with Dublin City Council and give their feedback.
The project is being funded by the National Transport Authority.
In order to deliver this scheme, there will be some minor temporary disruption to traffic in the area. Dublin City Council, in collaboration with our contractor will endeavour to minimise this as much as possible.
Yes. Traffic impacts along the route have been considered as part of the environmental screening exercise.
Yes. The following screening assessments have been completed :
- Environmental Impact Assessment Screening
- Appropriate Assessment Screening
Both screening reports concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment report and Appropriate Assessment Report are not required for the scheme.
No. All works proposed remain outside of the river and its banks and utilise existing footpaths and road space for the new infrastructure.
Fitzwilliam quay
Parking will be maintained on the east side of Fitzwilliam quay. Existing free parking arrangements on the west side of Fitzwilliam quay will be removed. Parking Surveys were conducted on Fitzwilliam quay in March 2023, which indicated that spaces are being used for long term parking— average parking duration on this stretch was observed to be 8.9 hours/vehicle.
Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 objective
SMTO23—Elimination of ‘Free’ On-Street Parking to progressively eliminate all ‘free’ on-street parking, both within the canals and in adjacent areas where there is evidence of ‘all day’ commuter parking, through the imposition of appropriate parking controls, including resident permit parking, pay and display parking, or by the provision of new cycle parking, public realm or greening.
The existing taxi rank will be relocated from the west side of Fitzwilliam Quay to the east side of Fitzwilliam Quay.