16.23 Shopping Centres
Shopping Centres
(See also Appendix 3 – Retail Strategy – Assessing New Retail Development)
Proposals for shopping centres, where it is demonstrated they are acceptable in principle, shall have regard to the overall city policy to promote vibrant streets and also to the Retail Design Manual accompanying the Retail Planning Guidelines 2012. Equally important for reference purposes are the Universal Design Guidelines produced by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD), established by the National Disability Authority (NDA) under the Disability Act 2005. www.universaldesign.ie
The design must ensure that the proposed shopping centre will be integrated with and be complementary to the streetscape where it will be located.
Particular elements to be addressed include:
- The creation of a legible and attractive pedestrian environment through appropriate design
- The creation of attractive and safe new streets and linkages, where feasible
- The provision and design of quality street furniture, including public facilities and support facilities for shoppers, e.g. toilets, childcare areas
- The inclusion of residential uses, where appropriate, as an integral part of the centre, in order to increase the evening activity and security of the centre
- Ease of access to the centre for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians; in the interests of both ease of access and civic design concerns, the centre should have frontage to the street and should not be surrounded by car parking
- The overall design strategy will normally reflect variety and diversity (by the use of differing shop fronts, setbacks, signs etc.) within a unified design distinctive and specific to its location
- Shopping centres should be designed along passive design principles and landscaped to ensure safety for visitors, with a good mix of uses encouraging day and evening uses, while passive surveillance design principles can deter casual graffiti and vandalism. Materials used in their construction should be robust and suitable for climatic conditions over an extended period. Service areas etc. should be out of sight of surrounding residential and pedestrian areas
- Tree planting and landscaping must form part of the overall design of the shopping centre.